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Federated Wiki is a variation of a Wiki, which was originally invented by Ward Cunningham.
This is the future platform in which parties can contract - that is, create social, political, business, religious and marriage contracts.
It is built on blockchain technology.
To me, Federated Wiki is a Wikipedia about you or an organization or contract you are creating.Your digital fingerprint. That you created. It is going to revolutionize the way that we do business the globe over.
Some people think Federated Wiki is something else. You can read more from the founder of the technology by clicking on the either of the little roster icons below.
You can let all information be made available to the internet, none of the information to the internet, or only some limited portion available to the internet. That is, this library is quantum.
Federated Wiki operates in three modes. Open, Closed, and partial open/closed.
If you want to create your own library, read How to Wiki.
History buff? Read the History of Federated Wiki
Engineer or programmer? Click here for some gritty details.
Want to host sites, check out Tips for Administrators