A day removed from the city. A relief to find the quiet, the stars, the absence of cars. I think the city I build will take seriously the concept of noise pollution. For a smaller city, I will build more narrow streets, to give a feeling of comfort. Those narrow streets will often open up into small squares for congregation.
The Basilica in Budapest reminds me that we lack a public space where noise is so heavily regulated (perhaps other than a library or judicial courtroom - but the former is being replace by the internet and the latter is not really a public space). We need public buildings, like churches, that are quiet - built for reverence of the unknown, but which can break into song and chatter at specified times. I ran into a practicing symphony in Florence - and this is exactly what I mean. I was dead quiet, and then the silence was broken with beautiful sounds (not a parent yelling at their child, or idle chatter, for example).
Skopje reminds me of Nye. The geography, the remoteness. I love the small dam they have here that turns into a small lake. I do not understand the ecological negativity surrounding small dams. Mystic lake is one of my favorite places on earth.
I love nature. The end. I also love cities. I guess that was not the end. I aim to build a city that marries my two loves.