2 January 2017

The calendar year is a bit of a fiction - usefully made to help coerce compliance of an efficient economic system. Many other societies - including China, do not use the same calendar.

Another fiction is that of time. Time can be bent by the movement of objects, or by extreme forces of gravity.

But here I am, reflecting on a year of time passed. Of one spin around the sun. Of one flip of the cosmic timer.

2017 was a great year. I met some amazing people. I made a move across the country. I traveled. And most importantly, I lost a little more of my sense of self.

The universe is more complex than it is simple. I dedicate 2018 to simplifying the complex. To navigating uncharted waters. To helping humanity not just survive the next 10,000 years, but thrive in them.

My success is either fated or not. It matters not. Meditate I must. Succeed I will.