Meeting with Ward was fascinating. We did not have any particular breakthrough, but it was really nice to meet in person. He is a gregarious fellow, who showed me around his place of work, and bought me lunch.
It is time to buckle down on the New Shape application. I am going to send draft 1 to Viraj and Ward on August 30th.
Speaking of Viraj, I got to hang out with that amazing man for 3 days, and that was a blast - truly an amazing guy.\
Okay. Back to Portland for a min. Whoa. Talk about an exhausting Saturday. I almost bought a Tesla, but then ended up driving through the night in Leigh's rental car after she abandoned me at the last minute. It was a rough rough Saturday night. Once I get some distance, she and I definitely need to have a conversation about our future as friends.
I really still love her. But I love the world more. She refuses to love how I love the world. That makes our love relatively untenable.