Left DC proper around 3pm and arrived in Paris via United at 6:30am (12:30am EDT). Arrived at my hosts' apartment (in the 5th Arrondissement ) and slept for a couple hours before heading out. We started by walking to the Arenes de Lutece
and then the Pantheon
. We then stopped for some french bread, ham of paris, and cured meat for a lunch. We then traveled to The Basilique Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre
before grabbing beers with my host's sister and dear friend. I then slept for 14 hours. It has been an exquisite day. I love Paris - The history, the small shops filled with quality food, the intensely aware population, the compact yet intense flavors, the love in people's eyes, the architecture, the stone, and the electricity in the air. There are, however, more homeless
people than I expected. I suppose even the French are susceptible to what, in my mind, is one of humanity's intractable problems.